
Monday, July 19, 2010

Continuing education: Baby Edition!

So, last night when I was cleaning like a crazy woman, I came across the schedule for the different baby classes available at the hospital I will be delivering at.

Dave and I went through them and decided on 3; Prepared Childbirth, Breastfeeding Basics and Baby Care Basics (which I'm told is AWESOME for first time Dad's). I figured they would want me to take the classes at least 1 month before my expected due date (in case Law decides to make a slightly early entrance.) So I decided to call today to check availability.

Am I ever glad I called! All of the classes are full until Oct/Nov and those classes have limited spaces left! Thankfully, we got into the classes that are the best timing for us- but I am so lucky I didn't wait any longer! Especially since this is our first, I think taking the classes will help me to feel more prepared and more at ease and I know it will make Dave more relaxed as well. Here's a description of what they are...

* Prepared Childbirth - This 6 week series focuses on preparation for childbirth, emphasizing the experience of labor and birth and the important role of the Dad/Partner. A variety of comfort measures are taught and practiced in class, including relaxation and breathing techniques. Medical interventions and options are discussed, as well as a brief overview of cesarean birth, postpartum, and newborn. A tour of the birth center is included.

* Baby Care Basics- A two week course for expectant parents to learn how to care for a newborn. Discussion, demonstration and class participation are used to teach basic information about baby's bath, cord care, diapering, safety and feeding. Other topics include normal newborn behaviors, symptoms of illness, how to stimulate learning, parenting and issues around returning to work.

* Breastfeeding Basics - It's about breastfeeding :-P

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